Monday, 14 May 2012

Feeling normal, or at least not crazy

My neighbour told me the other day that she heard about a book that made her think of me.  It's a book about motherhood and it's called The Conflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women by Elisabeth Badinter.  So of course, I walked to the mall with the babies the other day and bought the book.  I'm not that far into it, but I totally agree with what she says (I will be discussing some of this stuff in a later blog entry).

I have felt a little crazy (and of course guilty, because that's what mothers do for some ridiculous reason) for my views on things, but reading this book makes me feel normal.  After I bought the book, there was a Time article that has come out and is now quite controversial, which I will also be buying.  I also just read an article in the Free Press on the same topic

While these articles and book may support how I feel about parenting, it doesn't mean I'm right.  I'm sure there are benefits to other parenting styles and they obviously work for other parents, but just not me.  Maybe we should all just agree to disagree and continue on our own parenting paths.      

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