Monday, 29 October 2012

The end of an era

Today marks the first day of the last week of my last maternity leave.  This time next week, I will be teaching my first class in 13 months!  I'm returning when the twins are only 11 months (which is the same time I went back after Jayna).  I will be starting to coach basketball soon, so I figured that I may as well get paid more than EI pays me!

People are asking me if I'm happy to be going back, and mainly, the answer is YES!!!!  I love hanging out with the twins (Jayna's in daycare full time and has been since July), but I'm really looking forward to missing them.  I'm also looking forward to the challenges of work as well as spending my days with adults who I really enjoy being around.  At work, I constantly get to laugh as well.

Having said that, I know things are going to be absolutely crazy and Derrick and I are going to have to be really organized, which isn't a bad thing.  I couldn't even think of going back to my job, coaching and running my own business if I didn't have such a great husband who is both helpful and supportive.    It also means that after Christmas, we will be bringing cleaners back (I'm pretty fired up about that).

Looking back, it has been a crazy 13 months.  A year ago, I was off work already, but just waiting for the twins.  It was odd, because I knew they shouldn't be here for a while, but being twins, you never know.  We were prepared pretty early and as prepared as we could be for the unexpected to happen.  We were fortunate enough that that didn't happen.  I ended up having to be induced at over 38 weeks.  Born at 6lbs 2 oz and 6lbs 12 oz, both Mara and Davin were healthy and never had to go to the NICU. They have done nothing but grow and amaze me every day.  They are crawling everywhere, pulling themselves up and walking along things as well as standing on their own.  It's only a matter of time before they walk.  I'm well aware that I could miss those first steps while I'm at work, but I know they'll be well taken care of and loved at their new daycare.  I also think that even if I didn't go back to work, I could miss those steps while someone else watches the kids for a bit.

There are many moments when I think that having twins is the most ridiculous and mean thing you could do to someone, but there are even more moments when the dynamics and interactions of twins astound me.  While Mara is crying right now, Davin is smiling at me and melting my heart.  It makes it pretty easy to ignore the current sucky poo.  Meanwhile, there are other times when they're both screaming and I want to pull my hair out.  

There are also many times when people ask why they're such good kids when we're out, or they don't know how I do I manage to take them out regularly and not want to lose my mind.  With all my children, I've taken them out from a very young age.  Yes, there are times when it doesn't go perfectly, actually most times aren't perfect, but we make it.  I guess I could have chosen to stay home all the time, but that doesn't sound like fun at all to me.  I also think that they are well behaved when we are out, because they are used to that and we have expectations.  It's all in what you make of it.  Yesterday I met friends for breakfast with all three kids and Jayna went in her PJs.  I didn't feel like fighting about it and she was no worse off.

In the end, I look forward to sharing the joy of my babies with someone else while they're at daycare.  They are fortunate enough to have one more person to love them!  I also look forward to being a better mother because of work.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


It's days like this when I don't love being a mom.  It's also days like this that make me realize that Derrick and I will be fine.  If we can make it through a day like today without wanting to kill each other, we pass the test with flying colours.

The twins were crazy fussy today and into absolutely everything they shouldn't be.  I was out for a bit, so Derrick was on his own, and then I was trying to make some soup and supper and wasn't really helping him either.  Mara got taken out by a baby gate that came crashing down, and she hit her face in the tub tonight, along with being pushed by her big sister a few times and having toys stolen.  Davin face planted in the living room, kept wiping out in the tub (while he was sitting down), and then Jayna cranked him in the head with the door.

It is 6:42, and the twins are already in bed and quiet.  That is a 1/2 hour earlier than usual, but they (and we) were just done.  Jayna's playing nicely in the tub right now and once she's in bed, we will be cleaning the bathrooms and the floors and then sitting down for a couple stiff drinks!

Oh the life of a parent.  It's only glamorous if you're famous and have a nanny, a house cleaner, personal assistant, and a cook.  I'd love absolutely every minute of being a mother then too!!!!

Friday, 12 October 2012


Right now I feel like parenting is one long roller coaster.  There are some crazy ups and some crazy downs and you never quite know how long any of them are going to last.  I'm someone who is totally fine with not having every minute planned.  I'm also good at rolling with the punches and flying by the seat of my pants, but sometimes it's nice to know how things are going to go.

I'm amazed that one minute I can be so irritated with one, two, or all of my children and then in a second something changes and I love being a parent again.  I find the mornings to be a little chaotic in our house, but it's also a happy time and I time when I look at my kids as they eat and enjoy it.  This morning I was enjoying the moment and thankful for the new start every day.  Lately, Jayna pulls her chair right next to Mara's when she eats.  It's super cute that she wants to be with her sister.  Jayna was announcing that she was rubbing her back and that Mara was burping.  She makes me giggle.  And then 15 minutes later, we are in the van and she says to Mara, "It's my song, stop listening!"  Derrick and I just laughed at how ridiculous it was.  I'm pretty sure that we both realized in that moment that we are in trouble for the next 18 years.

I feel as though I've struggled this week.  It's been a blah week.  I haven't felt like doing much and the kids have been a lot fussier than they usually are, so I've been very annoyed by that.  I think that part of my blah feeling is stress related.  I worry a lot about when I go back to work, which is in three weeks.  I'm so excited to go back and laugh every day and have quality time with my little ones, but at the same time, I worry about making it all work.  I just keep reminding myself that I can't be everything to everyone all the time.  I know that it will all work out and that we will find a groove.  I also know it will be fine because I have a very supportive husband who is a great dad.  I am also ok with my kids spending a lot of time in the gym as they grow up (there are worse places they could be).

Another part of me really hopes we win the lottery tonight and then I would have to stress about different things, which I'm sure I'd be ok with!

I was just talking to a friend yesterday and we were discussing all of the things we would like to do around our houses.  We both realized they will take a while to happen and we were good with that.  We both have three healthy kids, great husbands and a roof over our heads, as well as supportive friends and family.  In the end, we have more than a lot of people do and we are very fortunate.  I guess I'll learn to love my original kitchen cupboards and enjoy the small things!

In the end, I've decided to look at my week this was a low on the roller coaster and there isn't anywhere to go but up.  Next week is a new week and I will be productive!  I'm looking forward to a great weekend.  

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Funny kids

I have kept Jayna home the last two days because we had playdates with friends.  I don't do this all the time, and there is usually a point in the day where I really regret having kept her home (granted, there are also times throughout the day when I'm really glad I kept her home).  Yesterday we went to Earl Grey Community Centre and the kids all had a blast.  It was really fun watching Jayna amuse herself and she absolutely loved the bouncer.  I also realized how weird my kid is because I mentioned that we were going to go grocery shopping later.  She proceeded to beg me to go shopping now.  How many kids really love grocery shopping?  I love that I can make her happy while accomplishing a task!

Anyway, while we were shopping, Jayna didn't want to walk.  I didn't fight about it since she is a really good walker (we can take her to the zoo and she will walk for 3 hours).  I had the twins in the upper cart and then Jayna was in the lower part.  The twins started getting fussy because they were tired and then Jayna was yelling "Swiper no swiping" really loudly while staring at a can of Dora Alphaghetti.  After she was done, she started with Twinkle Twinkle, over and over.  Needless to say, I walked through Superstore with a smile on my face laughing at the fact that this was by far the worst shopping experience I have had with my children and it wasn't even really bad.  Jayna also wanted to help scan everything and that didn't go over well, but a crisis was averted.  This trip made me realize how great our kids are and how lucky we are.

Today we had a playdate with a friend and her two boys (who are the same ages as our kids).  The kids all played so nicely and we never once had to break up a fight during their 3 hour visit.  My friend and I were both amazed at how well our kids played together.  Once they left all three of my kids slept for two hours, which never happens.  Her kids also slept at the same time, so we will be doing this again!

While I was cutting potatoes for dinner, Jayna was playing with the toy cell phone that she found.  She informed me that she was going to her Uncle's house and I told her she wasn't.  She responded with, "I pretending Mommy" for the first time.  Her next conversation was with her daddy and wishing him a happy birthday and asking what he would like.  She asked him if he wanted shoes.  This is especially funny to us since she keeps telling us she wants shoes from Santa.  Santa is on the lookout for some awesome runners.

I looked at Jayna earlier today and still couldn't believe that Derrick and I created her.  She's such a cute, fun, loving child and I can't wait to see all three of our kids grow up.  Mara and Davin's personalities are really coming out.  We have also discovered that they definitely know when the other one is hurt or in distress.  I know there are going to be MANY bumps along the way, but I also know there will be MANY great times.

Also, I guess this entry will put me over the 2500 views mark, which is crazy to me.  I never thought I would have that many people take an interest in my blog.  Thank you very much!